Palo Santo Sticks and Cones


PALO SANTO – 12 CONES AND 2 STICKS – Alive Herbal. Palo santo wood (Bursera graveolens) is heartwood of tree species of the genus Guaiacum. Palo Santo is known to be a mystical tree and, in Spanish, the name means ?holy wood?. It is related to myrrh, frankincense and copal trees. Palo Santo has a sweet smell with hints of vanilla, mint, and citrus.

You can use it to promote calm, relieve stress, and move misfortune. Burning Palo santo spread sweet smell, it before meditation, to clear thoughts or focus concentration.

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[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text text_larger=”no”]Its name derived to “Holy Wood” in Spanish, and has been used by saints and shamans since for centuries. When Palo santo sticks burned, It releases a balsamic smoke which many believe to uplift energy and aid in spiritual purification.
Palo santo (Bursera graveolens) is an attractive aromatic tree whose wood is valued for its sweet aroma.
There are several species of Palo Santo that are grown in different parts of South and Central America, which include Costa Rica, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras as well as the Galapagos Islands, Especially Peru.
It is grounding and calming. Has a sweet, balsamic and earthy aroma with incense-like overtones.
According to Wikipedia, ?the use of Palo Santo . . . is traditional in South America, especially in Ecuador. According to the local customs, it is used against the ?mala energ?a? (bad energy), which may sometimes refer to the clinical disease. Its use reportedly dates back to the Inca era. Palo Santo is common today as a type of incense.?

The Bursera graveolens tree growth a very powerful essential oil which is said to incite the immune system while combating inflammation. This herb is a member of the Burseraceae botanical family, which also includes frankincense and myrrh trees.

Holy Wood palo santo used parts are Dried Wood.

Hold on Palo Santo over an open fire, canting the end down at a 45-degree angle. Once screwed, let the wood burn very clearly for one or two minutes, relighting as important. Blow out the Palo Santo stick and allow to smolder. Because of Palo Santo’s particular incense quality, the embers may self-put out after a few minutes. This means the wooden resin can be relit and enjoyed many times.
Palo Santo oil contains 75-76% d-limonene which is almost unheard of in tree oil. Animal studies show that d-limonene is contained in the peels of citrus fruits such as grapefruit, orange, and lemon.

The wood serving of palo santo is inflamed just as you would light any other incense. Mystics claim that the aromatic smell emitted from the smoke support to get rid of spiritual “bad energy” and bugs alike. During any celebration in Peru, a shaman usually lights sticks made from palo santo wood and when the smoke from the burning stick enter the “energy field” in the ceremony site, it is said to have several favorable effects. It is believed that when the ceremony participants inhale the smoke, it clears all negative thoughts, move misfortunes and drives away evil spirits. Hence, it is not amazing that the essential oil of palo santo is considered to be a strong remedy for mental as well as excitable clarity.


??Palo santo sticks May support remove arthritis.
??Palo santo incense sticks Contribute to remove skin diseases.
??It can? relieve insomnia-natural sleep seductively.
??Palo santo another name is? Natural headache remedy.
??Contribute to remedy stress and anti-depression.
??Palo santo Can Supports to removes Gout, Pain, Viruses, Jaw Pain, Rheumatism, and Inflammation.
??Palo santo wood may support Immune systems.
??May Improves Libidos & temporary impotence.
??May inhibits the growth of fungal infections.

Another benefit of palo santo is that this tree possesses anti-inflammatory properties and it is extensively used for this purpose in folk medicine as well as aromatherapy.


[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][ultimate_info_banner banner_title=”Palo Santo Sticks – More Info” banner_desc=”Common Names:
Holy Stick, Holy Wood, Mallka Waki, Palo De La Vida O Santo, palo Santo
Sacred Wood, Saint Anthony’s Wood

Botanical Name:
Bursera Graveolens

South America” info_alignment=”ib3-info-left” title_color=”#dd911f”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text text_larger=”no”]

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When using herbal products, we recommend that you consult with a qualified health care practitioner or herbalist, particularly if you are pregnant , breast feeding, or on any medication. It Contains for educational purposes only.
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